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Tomi and Tahmar Arayomi

​Tomi has been recognized for his national and personal prophetic accuracy. Tomi is a governmental prophet and has had the privilege of consulting prophetically with leaders of nations in their homes at the United Nations and in Parliament. 


In 2019, a few months before the world went into lockdown, Tomi was led by the Lord to relaunch RIG Nation which he had originally founded in 2007. RIG stands for Restoring Issachar's Generation, a mission based on 1 Chronicles 12:32: "The sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do." The ministry's vision is to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministry back into the Body of Christ and to equip this generation to be in a position and condition for use by God.


In April 2020, Tomi launched Pioneers Church as an online church which together with other prophetic training and social commentary programmes, has attracted an international audience of over 100,000 subscribers on RIG Nation's YouTube channel. During the lockdown, Tomi filmed over 100 training videos which now form the basis of the RIG Nation's School of Apostles and Prophets and in June 2021, launched apostolic centers in London and Lagos, and most recently the HQ in the USA with leaders Greg and Sharrah Gervais. Tomi and his wife Tahmar currently reside in Nigeria.

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